Why running in particular, physical exercises in general?

In order to strengthen an education for health, by this event we want to encourage running in particular and physical exercises / practicing sports in general.

Running is a very easy sport to practice at almost any age, it is available in many places, it is cheap and does not require a very complex technique.

Among the benefits of running, there are:
o reducing the risk of bone damage as the bones are put in motion;
o strengthening the muscles;
o helping to reduce weight;
o contributing to lower cholesterol;
o strengthening the cardiovascular system;
o improving the respiratory system;
o improving the immune system by strengthening the respiratory and cardio vascular system;
o improving memory by producing new brain cells;
o oxygenating all body parts;
o rebuilding tissues’ and muscles’ tone;
o restoring skeletal position;
o removing stress hormones;
o accelerating the recovery mechanisms of the body.

You can find below some alarming statistics because of which we think it is better to prevent reaching a state characterized by an excess of weight than treating this state afterwards together with other various diseases:

o In Arad county, the main cause of mortality is due to cardiovascular diseases, in 2009 from 6137 inhabitants, 3598 died of heart diseases. One from 3.7 persons is suffering from a heart disease. (Statistics published by the Arad Public Health Direction, September 2010). The areas of intervention for promoting heart’s health include: encouraging physical activity, a healthy diet and avoiding smoking. The above mentioned situation may be generalized with some variation at the national level;
o In Romania, about 50% of citizens are overweight (according to the C.I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology);
o Among the negative current trends at the national level, which are found in a study called ”Emerging needs of children in Romania” conducted by FDSC in 2009, there is also stated that physical activities were replaced with those from the virtual environment (75% of respondents ).
o The number of obesity cases in primary school has doubled in the last 8 years (study realized by the Bucharest Public Health Institute);
o Infantile obesity tends to take alarming proportions in the European Union, where 14 million children are overweight and their number increases by 400,000 annually.“For drawing attention to this situation, the EU countries mark the European Day Against Obesity (EDAO) for the first time on 22nd of May. ZEIO goal is to help overweight and obese European citizens, in changing their lifestyle, controlling their weight and improving their life quality”.

For greater safety and for avoiding some possible risks, we advise you that before starting a training program to consult your doctor for getting his permission that you are medically fit for this activity. Also, you should consider using an appropriate equipment (especially running shoes).